Sunday 22 September 2013

Earth Defense Force: 2017 Portable Vita Review

Not really been much in the way of news from the public days of Tokyo game show so Ive decided to post a review. Ill have a look into numerous sites tomorrow just in case for a news post. The review is coming a little later in the day than I would usually post due to me wanting to give people enough time to digest Andi's Deadly Premonition post. The review will be looking at the portable version of EDF 2017 for the Vita. While the Vita is going through something of a rough time at the moment, Im hoping a thorough review like this shows that we here will still be covering its games. The Vita does have quite a few JRPG's afterall! Hopefully its fortunes improve as its a wonderful device.

As always, here is the conclusion
While the game deos little to belie its budget nature, practically reveling in its B-movie charm, Its the prime example of a gamers game. Gamplay is king and with Sandlot having made sure the most basic mechanics of gameplay are well developed, a lot of fun can be had by anyone who gives it a chance.  The secondary character, Palewing, doubles the content and is great bonus for those that have played the original due to her different play style. Will it appeal to everyone? No. Its budget nature ensures a niche audience but for those looking for pure gameplay goodness, There aren't many games that betters it and the amount of content for £23.99 is more than worthy. Take a chance and I gauruntee you'll be chanting 'EDF EDF EDF' or shouting 'Come on you apes. You wanna live forever!' in your best Micheal Ironside impression before the war is won.

Full review is over at PushSquare: LINK

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